When camping, hiking, or doing any outdoor activity, hydration is important. Part of that is having something reliable to carry your water so you can stay hydrated on long trips. The best equipment is going to help you make the most out of your trip. An important piece of equipment is a reusable water bottle. Not only does this cut down on discarded plastic, but it also reliably lets you bring more water with you without any concerns about the heat impacting the water quality.
1 - Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle

This bottle is Amazon’s highest rated reusable water bottle. You have three different lids to choose from, allowing you to prepare for a variety of situations. This bottle has insulated stainless steel, making it leakproof, durable and easy to clean. The insulation also allows it to keep things cool or hot for longer periods of time. The logo is engraved on the bottle, so you don’t have to worry about it slowly fading or getting scratched off. This product provides a lot of positives, so it’s easy to see why it’s one of Amazon’s top rated water bottles. This product starts at $17.95 for a 14oz bottle and comes in a variety of colors.
2 - Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Straw Lid Stainless Steel Reusable Water Bottle

If you’ve been on the hunt for a reusable water bottle, you may have heard of Hydro Flask. This brand is popular for a reason. Their bottles are also made from stainless steel, making them a top contender when it comes to durability. Additionally, each bottle has a straw lid with a built-in carry loop, so you can hitch it onto a bag for convenient carrying. The Hydro Flask bottle also advertises temp shield insulation, meant to keep contents cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours. With all of that, you can see why Hydro Flask has its reputation as a leader in reusable bottles. You have the option of purchasing this bottle at 24oz, 32oz, or 40oz with the lowest price being $29.96 for the smallest one.
3 - Nalgene Wide Mouth Water Bottle

If you want something a bit more budget friendly, then Nalgene delivers. At 32oz and with most of the prices around $12, this gives you a lot for your money. Its simple design allows you to measure and keep track of how much water you drink, making it perfect for people who want to hydrate more effectively. This bottle also has the convenience of being dishwasher safe, as well as BPA free. It’s also made with material derived from 50% plastic waste; this is a significant factor if you want to reduce your impact on the environment and preserve the campsites you hope to explore on future adventures. Although it’s not made of stainless steel or insulated, it makes up for that in some big ways.
4 - Pogo BPA free Plastic Water Bottle with Chug Lid

The Pogo Plastic Water Bottle is another affordable option if you’re looking for a high-quality bottle to take on your trips. Your options for this bottle in terms of volume are 18oz, 32oz, and 40oz, each priced at $7.99, $9.99, and $10.99 respectively. This bottle also allows you to track how much water you drink. Similar to the last entry, this bottle is BPA free, which is important for plastic water bottles. This also comes with a carrying loop to attach it to your backpack. With a leak proof lid and wide mouth when unscrewed, you have your options in how you dispense it. Like other reusable plastic bottles, this product is dishwasher safe. You can’t go wrong with bringing this solid piece of gear with you on your next trip.
5 - Thermoflask Double Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle

To round out this list at number five, we have another stainless steel water bottle. As with the other steel bottles on this list, this product is durable and insulated to keep the contents inside hot or cold for hours, letting you enjoy that cool water after a long hike or that hot cocoa on a cool night. At $17 for an 18oz bottle, the Thermoflask is a fairly budget friendly option for potential campers who want to get the most for their money. You also have the option of sizing up all the way to 64oz. This bottle also comes with two different types of lids with carrying loops for convenience. Overall, this is another solid option for an important piece of equipment.
You can’t go wrong with any of the reusable water bottles on this list. Consider what your specific needs will be when you go camping or hiking. Are you gonna need something with good insulation, lots of space, or just something that won’t break the bank? Find what works best for you and remember to stay hydrated out there.
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