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8 Benefits of Camping with Your Kids

8 Benefits of Camping with Your Kids

Author Erik Abrams

Getting outside in nature with your family can have some amazing benefits. Bring your kids camping can not only create amazing memories but can actually teach them life lessons as well. Keep reading to learn more reasons why you should bring your kids along next time you go camping!

Survival Skills

Camping provides an excellent opportunity to teach your children some basic survival skills, such as fire building, cooking, navigation, etc. They will have fun learning skills that could one day save their lives.

Good Health

A trip out into the countryside gives your children the space and freedom to enjoy some fresh air and get some healthy exercise. Encourage them to participate in setting up the campsite, collecting wood, carrying water, etc.

Quality family time

Sharing a camping experience with your family will create lifelong memories. Being in close proximity in an unfamiliar situation makes the perfect setting for really getting to know your family and to learn to live and work together in harmony.

Technology free

Unplugging from the technological gadgets which we all rely on can be wonderfully liberating for both you and your kids. Your kids will realize that technology is not necessary to have a great time.

Learn to rough it

Getting away from all the comforts and commodities of home lets your kids discover a simpler way of life, where a bit of dirt and discomfort are all part of the adventure.

Respect Nature

Use the opportunity to teach your children about the different trees, plants, bugs and animals that you might encounter on your trip. Take the time to really investigate about each one so that they will appreciate the uniqueness and importance of every living thing.


A camping trip provides the opportunity for your children to face and overcome fears, like sleeping in the dark, animal sounds, spiders, etc. It also gives them space to become more independent and to pursue their own adventures.

Less is more

Camping can remind us all that we just don’t need so many things. Your kids will discover the simple pleasures of campfire meals, stargazing, storytelling and much, much more.

From Spark to Glow: Explore The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Campfire for Beginners – Affordable and Accessible.